Why Hormone Balance Doesn't Have to Be Restrictive + YHB's First Digital Course is Here!

Of all the steps I've taken to rebalance my hormones, the most impactful have been the ones I could realistically fit within my lifestyle without restrictive diets, juice cleanses or expensive treatments.

What were they?

>> I stopped yo-yo dieting and trying every fad that came along and learned how to build a meal WITHOUT cutting out macro's like carbs or fat.

>> I tested my hormones (in saliva which is more accurate than standard blood tests) via my family biz @yourhormonebalance to get to the root of hidden hormonal imbalances

>> I tuned into my hunger cues and fueled my body with ENOUGH food to support hormone production!

>> I swapped my 3 cups of coffee per day for matcha lattes, teas and now my Body Bliss Latte Blends which have helped so many of my clients dial back on caffeine too!

>> I incorporated high performing herbs and supplements based on my unique body and test results, not based on the latest fad diet, influencer or brand

>> I kept a food journal so I could figure out what foods felt amazing & which ones left me bloated, lethargic and/or unsatisfied

>> I empowered myself by learning about hormones and after graduating from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN), I empowered myself by learning about hormones, coaching clients with hormone imbalance issues, and completing IIN’s hormone extension course

>> I began tracking my menstrual cycle and incorporated foods & movement to support each of the four phases (with grace and flexibility)

>> I cut WAYYYY back on high intensity workouts and added more strength training, walking and bike rides (basically anything I loved)

>> I learned to set boundaries and say NO to meetings or obligations that made me feel more stressed or overwhelmed

>> I stopped relying on prescription pills, fad diets and boozy brunches to numb myself and put a bandaid over the underlying problems

>> I let go of my orthorexic tendencies (obsession with making the “perfect” choices) and began to go with the flow…

Are there times when I relapse and my usual wellness rituals and hormone supportive tools don’t work? Of course.. that is part of the female experience, especially as our hormones fluctuate throughout the month. But the difference is that I have the tools, resources and support to jump right back into my rebalancing routine after periods of inconsistency.

And that’s why I am SOOOO beyond excited to share the launch of Your Hormone Balance’s FIRST EVER Hormones in Harmony digital course! Get all the details & sign up here at our pre-sale price of $199 (with split payment options).

This 6 week digital course (launching 2/22/22) will teach you HOW to balance your hormones NATURALLY and REALISTICALLY, with a focus on nutrition and lifestyle interventions to relieve frustrating, persistent symptoms of hormone imbalance (like stubborn weight gain, fatigue, irregular/ painful periods, mood swings, hot flashes, acne, low libido and more)!

This easy to follow course can be taken from anywhere, and although it begins on 2/22, you can work through each module at your own pace (a new module will open each week after the start date).

It's packed with educational videos and resources from YHB's mother/daughter team (Candace Burch, Hormone Health Educator, M.A. + Jessica Suchan, Holistic Health Coach (me!) + Rye Burch, Co-Founder), as well as from a curated group of health and hormone experts, doctors and nutritionists with valuable insights to share!

Finally, there will also be a private FB community exclusively for course attendees, so you can connect with other women in the course and take advantage of bonus materials and surprise LIVES with our team!

This is the course I wish I had access to back in my 20's but I'm so grateful to be able to offer it to all of you now! Got questions? Simply shoot an email over to jess@bodyblissbyjess.com and ask me anything! I CANNOT WAIT to get started.